Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom Lotion vs Olay Quench Plus

Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom Lotion vs Olay Quench Plus

FINAL: Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom Lotion vs Olay Quench Plus (34-28) The Midwest Body Division kicks off the season with a classic WWII battle of East vs West.  It’s Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom Lotion vs Olay Quench Plus. Both sides have modernized their weapons to compete on the Lotion Challenge battle field.  This […]

Best Moisturizing Body Wash

Best Moisturizing Body Wash

Best Moisturizing Body Wash Midwest Body Division Everyone knows that there are certain seasons that are more damaging to our skin than others, but do you know that we should be using lotions and creams to keep our hands and elbows from drying out every day?  The Best Moisturizing Body Wash can really help. That’s right, […]