Luxury Lotion Northeast Division

The Luxury Northeast Division is currently made up of several high class luxury lotion contestants.

The players in this division have some of the top paid free agents in the Lotion Challenge league.

If you can afford to run in the circles that sponsor these teams, your doing pretty well yourself as the price for collaborating with one of these teams is expensive.

Do You Want the BEST Luxury Lotion?


This division represents the northeast well with a strong culture of luxury that is world class.

Do you want to have the skin of the rich and famous. Then, you’ve come to the right division. But, leave your budget at home.

Isle Of Wight Day Out

“Isle Of Wight Day Out” by davidgsteadman (Public Domain Mark 1.0), via

These luxury lotion products are not for the faint of heart.

They are intended to leave you feeling like pampered royalty.

This division represents the very best luxury lotion products that will make your skin feel like you are a “one percenter”.

Or, I guess these days, a “one percent of a one percenter”.

All I have to say is, if you can afford most of these products (we do have at least one that is not completely outrageous), then you should probably buy ten.

After all, it’s just your parents money!  HA! HA!

Or, your wife’s money!  Dude what are you doing on this page?

So, if you think you belong in this group, scroll on down and immerse yourself in the lap of luxury.

The Luxury Division Teams

Natural Body Lotion for Dry Sensitive Skin – Seaweed Antioxidant & Mineral Rich Hand and Body Lotion

Team Name: Natural Body Lotion for Dry Sensitive Skin – Seaweed Antioxidant & Mineral Rich Hand and Body Lotion

Owner: Natural Vibrancy

If you want a guarantee of luxury, look no further. This teams owner provides a “100% guarantee” (not a guarantee of actual luxury; but a guarantee that this luxury lotion product can and will deliver).

Now that’s one confident owner.

Other teams will be ready to prove them wrong in their next head to head match-up.

Some of the features of this team as stated by the owner are “Active anti-inflammatory ingredients that protect from sunburn and calm inflammation”.

It sounds like this coach is making a direct challenge to any team in the Sunscreen Division.

The coach has worked hard to make his team competitive by making sure the defense “isn’t greasy” and doesn’t leave a “sticky feeling“.  Also, “no silicones or parabens that cause harmful skin reactions“.

The fans for Natural Body Lotion seems to agree with those statements. Many give this team 5 stars in their personal dealings with this team.

One fan stated if the size were larger for the same price, “I think I might be a fan for life”.  This team has a very strong fan base across the board.

La Prairie Cellular Softening and Balancing Lotion Facial Astringents

Team Name: La Prairie Cellular Softening and Balancing Lotion Facial Astringents

Owner: La Prairie

Owner La Prairie owns many teams in many leagues. But, this team is one of it’s best.

La Prairie has entered into the Luxury Northeast Division as a top contender.

From our research it seems clear this company knows luxury.

And, they do it well based on the reviews.

Per the owner, this facial lotion provides “cellular softening” and comes in a full-bodied, rich floral fragrance.

All of the fans (purchasers) that were seen with this team and provided feedback gave this team 5 stars.

La Prairie Anti Aging Emulsion SPF 30 Facial Treatment Products

Team Name: La Prairie Anti Aging Emulsion SPF 30 Facial Treatment Products

Owner: La Prairie

La Prairie again has created a team that can only fit the best by residing in the Luxury Northeast Division.

This team is a facial foundation cream they say “Stimulates cell turnover and collagen production, relaxing lines and wrinkles”.

This team includes an SPF 30 level of sun protection which means it can compete in cross town inter divisional match-ups with the Sunscreen Division.

As a foundation, the owner boasts this team has a “Powerful daily barrier combats inflammation and environmental factors”.

La Prairie, the owner, is a Canadian company the provides product that are often play games in higher end department stores venues like Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, and Bloomingdales.

As is typical of the Luxury Northeast Division, La Prairie teams often refuse to appear in some venues side by side against teams that they feel “are not in their division”.

L’core Crystaline 60 Sec Face Lift Cream

Team Name: L’core Crystaline 60 Sec Face Lift Cream

Owner: L’Core Paris

Luxury Division teams aren’t typically interested in looking to the masses to find the team that has the most loyal fans.

This team has a few loyal fans. But, all of them that provided feedback, offered great ratings for this team.

And, ALL of these fans forked over well over $2,000 (actually, it’s closer to $2,200), and most were jumping for joy at the results this product provided.

This team is VERY expensive.  But, you only have to apply a pea sized amount to get spectacular results.

And, for those that have stepped up to purchase this product, most have NOT been disappointed.

Several fans commented that they enjoyed this product so much that they gave it as a gift to their friends and family.  For that person that already has everything!

Pola BA Grandluxe II

Team Name: Pola BA Grandluxe II

Owner: Pola

Our review of the teams in the Luxury Northeast Division wouldn’t be complete this ridiculously extravagant team.

Here you go.

Ridiculously expensive and exclusive.

This team is a foreign owned Japanese company that specializes in skin care and cosmetics.

This fine little tube comes in just under $1000. I did say UNDER.

So, it’s a bargain. Right? All you lottery ticket winners, step up to the finest you can get from the Orient.

This team will make you stand out from the crowd.

After all, how many of you think you can really afford this luxury lotion product?

If you can, then when you need to impress, just reach in your purse and pull this out for a quick refresher, and watch those around you drool with envy.

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